When it comes to pull-ups, which is better: 5 unassisted or 12 assisted?
answer to this question depends on your goals, of course. But before we go any
further, a solid understanding of just what your goals might be is essential.
In a previous post on undulating periodization, I briefly described the
three basic training adaptations: muscular endurance, hypertrophy, and
strength. A keen understanding of these principles is so important that they
bear elaboration.
goes. The amount of weight you select (as a percentage of your one repetition
maximum) dictates the number of reps your muscles are physiologically capable
of producing. These two factors (weight and reps) determine the amount of rest
necessary between sets, as well as the overall number of sets to perform for the
most bang for the buck.
Training Adaptation
Muscular endurance
2 to 3
<30 seconds
3 to 6
6 to 12
30 to 90 seconds
2 to 6
2 to 5 minutes
As you
can see from the chart above, muscular endurance is characterized by light
weights, high reps (up to 20 or 30, even), and short rest. If you perform
12 pull-ups, you are training for muscular endurance. Note that whether you need
assistance or not doesn't factor in here.
there's hypertrophy, which is a fancy word for an increase in lean body mass,
which is another fancy word for bigger muscles. Training for hypertrophy means
medium weights, reps, and rest. Say you do 8 pull-ups. That's hypertrophy.
(Ladies, fear not: due to your low levels of testosterone, you're unlikely to
bulk up like a bodybuilder, even when working in the hypertrophy rep range.)
strength training consists of heavy weights, low reps, and long rest periods. In
terms of pull-ups, if you're doing 5 reps, that's strength. This
is the protocol that most powerlifters follow in order to increase their
one-rep max squat, deadlift, and bench press.
each training adaptation confers different physiological and neural benefits, for general physical fitness it makes sense to spend a little bit of time
training for each. (This, of course, is the essence of periodization.) Even
powerlifters flirt with some hypertrophy training to supplement their strength.
So what
the heck is better, 5 unassisted pull-ups or 12 assisted pull-ups? The answer,
predictably, is both!
be it during the month of September (linear periodization) or on Mondays
(undulating periodization), you should perform 3 sets of 4-6 reps for strength.
You know you're doing it right if the seventh one is physically impossible.
Other times, you should do 3 sets of 8-10 reps for hypertrophy. On still other
occasions, bang out 12-15 reps for muscular endurance.
you're super strong, for strength and hypertrophy you might need to add external weight via a weight vest or
a dip belt. If you're still working on bodyweight pull-ups, you'll likely need
some assistance in order to train in the hypertrophy and muscular endurance rep
are a few things to take into consideration when selecting assistance. The
pin-selected machine that provides a counterweight is great for developing back
and bicep strength. However, because it supports your lower body, it takes away
the core stability component of the pull-up.
A better
option is to loop a superband around the pull-up bar and put one knee in. Not
only does this force you to engage your core, but it also provides more
assistance at the bottom of the pull-up, where you'll likely need it, and less at the
top, where you're in a better biomechanical position to pull. Just be careful
not to get hit in the face with the band when you remove your knee.
A third alternative -- and the one with
the most carryover to doing more pull-ups without assistance -- is actually to
perform just the eccentric, or lowering, portion (no assistance). To get
yourself up to the start position with your chin over the bar, either jump up or
stand on a chair. Count to 10 as you lower yourself all the way down to a dead hang, then
Enjoy the tremendous pull-up gains you'll make by following
these methods, and always remember to take 10 minutes prior to
your pull-ups to warm-up properly with the Pollenator Warm-Up.